Who says a toolkit can't be both organized and stylish?!

Whether you rent or own a home, a well-organized tool kit is a must.  Without one, what often happens is that you have a random assortment of screws, nails, hanging hooks rolling around in several drawers in your home.  And let's not forget the million Ikea allen wrenches you probably have collected over the years, but none can be found when you actually need to tighten some furniture. Corralling all the random hardware and tools in one place is a great way to be ready when minor home emergencies arise. I can promise you that you can probably do this with everything you have at home, and in less time than in takes to watch your favorite reality TV show or better yet, why not multitask and do it while you are indulging in your favorite guilty pleasure?!


Go around and gather all the random hardware, tools, etc. in your home.  Set down a towel or blanket to keep everything in one place and pour it all out! 

Before 1.jpg


Go through this big mess and start throwing things out you know you won't need. Then start segregating like things with each other, paint stuff in one pile, screws in another pile, you get the picture.  And pro tip? Those plastic take out containers you have in your kitchen are perfect for storing screws, nails, and other hardware items. See below!


After you've collected everything, label those containers so next time you're doing a gallery wall, you can quickly grab that container labeled "nails" and a hammer without having to dig around for both! Decorative labels make it more fun, but even a strip of painters' tape will totally work. 


For larger unwieldy items such as paint rollers, a good rubber band is a great way to keep them together and in one place as shown below.  For everything else, storing items in a clear box is the perfect way to see what is readily available! 

So before you put your feet up tonight, why don't you try assembling your own toolkit while you watch some TV? You already have the perfectly organized toolkit you say?  How about your kitchen junk drawer? We all have one!